PETA does it again

From: "nu-monet v5.0" <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.friday
Date: Thu, Apr 17, 2003 7:58 PM

PETA translation causes sniggers

Animal rights protesters caused embarrassed
sniggers when they translated one of their
slogans into Spanish.

PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals, translated the slogan "Dump Dairy"
to get their message across to Spanish-speaking
schoolchildren in the US.

But the literal translation "Eche la leche"
can also mean "Discharge sperm" in slang,
reports the Sun Sentinel.

The slogan was fixed to a life-size model of
a cow that had been touring schools in Florida.

The problem was raised by a school principal
in Palm Springs.

PETA officials were surprised by the complaint.

William Rivas-Rivas, the campaign's coordinator,
said: "As a Spanish speaker I've never heard of
that slang. Never once has anyone said anything
about that."

"La Cucaracha, la Cucaracha,
Ya no puede caminar,
Porque no tiene, porque le falta,
Marijuana por fumar."

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